BIG NEWS ON Public Requests just posted on Town website:
(as below)
Please note that the design team continues to work on incorporating public feedback into the design. Feedback and suggestions received from the three public meetings, the survey, or emailed comments are all being reviewed; comments and feedback can still be submitted to the design team by emailing them to
Several primary points of feedback are already being studied:
SWINGS: We have heard many requests for more swings, particularly standard belt swings. The design plans at the 3/16 public input session showed five swings total (2-Accessible, 1- Saucer, and 2-Tot). Shifting play elements and priorities has enabled the addition of three belt swings (1-Accessible, 1-Saucer, 2-Tot, and 3-Belt).
SLIDES: We have heard that the slides are a defining feature of Robbins and that it would be valuable to provide a mid-range slide, with length/height between the long slide and the tot slide. The landscape architects are actively studying the incorporation of an additional 8’ tall slide.
PICNIC AREA: We heard a desire for the picnic area to be more spread out. The plan will incorporate or relocate existing picnic opportunities northeast of the playground.
DRINKING WATER: We received a great suggestion to include a water bottle filling station, and the plan now includes this element.
HILLSIDE CLIMBING: Several comments asked about additional ways to climb up the hill, prompting the team to highlight the diversity of hillside climbing opportunities in the revised plan.
CHALLENGING CLIMBING: Consistently we have been asked to ensure a challenging climbing experience for older aged elementary school students. The design team is working closely with the playground equipment manufacturer to build a variety of challenging climbing opportunities into the adventure sheds. Once these details are available, we will post the detailed equipment to our website so that residents may review and provide additional comments.
Our timeline remains to have the final plans ready for Park Commission review at their April 25th meeting. The public is encouraged to attend this meeting to see the final plans and hear Park Commission comments. The final plans will also be posted on our project website.
The Park Commission and design team value all of the comments received. Like any public process, opinions are varied and can sometimes conflict with one another. Each comment we have heard is being reviewed through the lens of inclusion, weighed against the priorities and budget of the Town, and, when possible, worked into the plan. Although we are always listening, not every suggestion can become an action item in the process. We believe that the final plan will balance the many suggestions and priorities within an exciting and inclusive playground that makes residents proud.
Again, thank you to everyone for participating in this very important process.
Joseph Connelly, M.Ed.
Director of Recreation