The newly designed Robbins Farm Park Playground opened on November 23, 2024, with a ribbon cutting ceremony!
The new playground is Arlington’s first playground built with Universal Design principles to be inclusive and provide a fun and challenging playscape for all kids and caregivers that visit our neighborhood park. The playground, along with the picnic benches and new trees that surround it, provide an inviting environment for all ages to relax and play.
We’ve incorporated many challenging active elements providing thrills for all ages. There are now many ways to climb up to the giant 16-foot double polished cement slides, including a winding path, swinging over and under hoop rings, clambering up the steeper part of the hill, jumping over embedded balls, and hopping up and down a rocky trail of boulders. We’ve added two new slides in addition to the giant slide.
A new inclusive carousel allows someone in a wheelchair to ride alongside other children, as well as a bench and sides, so you don’t go flying off as you might have done in past years on earlier carousels.
The adventure sheds on three levels include inside and outside climbing elements, a firepole, and activities for all inside the sheds. New large musical instruments, funhouse mirrors, and other sensory elements appeal to all children while adding to the playtime mix. There are different spaces — some large for games of tag — some small and quiet for hiding or just having low-key activities.
A new rubber surface is safer for falls and easier for pushing wheelchairs and strollers. Swings for all ages and sizes include a saucer swing so kids can swing together and chat.
We’re very excited about all the new trees, shrubs, and other plantings that incorporate nature and shade into the new park setting.
Thanks to our donors!
The renovation project was funded by both the Community Preservation Act (ACA) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. In addition, the Friends of Robbins Farm Park raised over $70,000 from over 400 individuals to purchase additional inclusive equipment and play areas. We also thank these contributing companies: Mirak Automotive Group, Brizuela Fitness, Brookline Bank, Premiere Roofing & Remodeling, and the Eastern EU Fish Fantasy Football league.
The renovation project was designed by Agency Landscape and Planning, landscape architects, and constructed by JJ Phelan & Sons. The project was initiated by Joe Connelly, Parks and Recreation Director, and finalized by Natasha Waden, current Recreation Director of Arlington.
Come to the park and play! Have fun and explore Arlington’s latest playground!

Previous Updates

The Town of Arlington is pleased to announce that work will commence soon on the renovation of Robbins Farm Park. This will be the Town’s first universal designed playground, intended to be accessible to all abilities. The renovation project was awarded to JJ Phelan & Sons for just over $2.1 million dollars. JJ Phelan & Sons recently completed Phase I of the Reservoir Project and three school playground projects in Arlington (Peirce School, Bishop School, and Stratton School). The Robbins Farm Playground renovation project is being funded by both Community Preservation Act (CPA) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds .
The project will begin this fall with mobilization beginning the week of October 9th, followed by demolition of the existing equipment.
Please note that the playground and associated work site will be closed and fenced off beginning the week of October 9th. An exact construction schedule is being prepared by the contractor and all equipment is in the process of being ordered. Equipment lead times can vary anywhere from 12-20 weeks. It is anticipated that appropriate site preparation will occur this fall with the bulk of the work being done in the spring of 2024. There are many variables that will dictate the construction schedule, but the goal is for significant project completion prior to July 2024. The exact opening date will be continually updated throughout the construction process. View the final design.
The Friends of Robbins Farm Park will also be fundraising to assist with the purchase of inclusionary equipment for the playground. More information may be found at https://robbinsfarmpark.org/playground. Several primary points of feedback are already being studied:
SWINGS: We have heard many requests for more swings, particularly standard belt swings. The design plans at the 3/16 public input session showed five swings total (2-Accessible, 1- Saucer, and 2-Tot). Shifting play elements and priorities has enabled the addition of three belt swings (1-Accessible, 1-Saucer, 2-Tot, and 3-Belt).
PLAYGROUND UPDATE just posted on Town website: https://www.arlingtonma.gov/Home/Components/News/News/12502/495
(as below)
Please note that the design team continues to work on incorporating public feedback into the design. Feedback and suggestions received from the three public meetings, the survey, or emailed comments are all being reviewed; comments and feedback can still be submitted to the design team by emailing them to jconnelly@town.arlington.ma.us.
SLIDES: We have heard that the slides are a defining feature of Robbins and that it would be valuable to provide a mid-range slide, with length/height between the long slide and the tot slide. The landscape architects are actively studying the incorporation of an additional 8’ tall slide.
PICNIC AREA: We heard a desire for the picnic area to be more spread out. The plan will incorporate or relocate existing picnic opportunities northeast of the playground.
DRINKING WATER: We received a great suggestion to include a water bottle filling station, and the plan now includes this element.
HILLSIDE CLIMBING: Several comments asked about additional ways to climb up the hill, prompting the team to highlight the diversity of hillside climbing opportunities in the revised plan.
CHALLENGING CLIMBING: Consistently we have been asked to ensure a challenging climbing experience for older aged elementary school students. The design team is working closely with the playground equipment manufacturer to build a variety of challenging climbing opportunities into the adventure sheds. Once these details are available, we will post the detailed equipment to our website so that residents may review and provide additional comments.
Our timeline remains to have the final plans ready for Park Commission review at their April 25th meeting. The public is encouraged to attend this meeting to see the final plans and hear Park Commission comments. The final plans will also be posted on our project website.
The Park Commission and design team value all of the comments received. Like any public process, opinions are varied and can sometimes conflict with one another. Each comment we have heard is being reviewed through the lens of inclusion, weighed against the priorities and budget of the Town, and, when possible, worked into the plan. Although we are always listening, not every suggestion can become an action item in the process. We believe that the final plan will balance the many suggestions and priorities within an exciting and inclusive playground that makes residents proud.
Again, thank you to everyone for participating in this very important process.
Joseph Connelly, M.Ed.
Director of Recreation
Playground Update – October 21, 2022
Share your voice and stayed tuned for other forums for input!
The Arlington Park and Recreation Commission will hold a public input meeting with the project landscape architectural firm of Agency Landscape and Planning to solicit input for the design of playground improvements at Robbins Farm Park. This meeting will take place at 6 pm on Monday, November 14, 2022 via Zoom. See the link below for details and to register:
As a reminder, the entire playground is scheduled to be renovated and is expected to be completed by late next summer (2023). The playground funding has been approved and the town is currently soliciting design firms with the plan to have one selected in early Fall. Then there will be a process for public input. We will provide updates on specific timing and venues so that you can share your thoughts. You can stay up to date with the playground project via the Town of Arlington website: https://www.arlingtonma.gov/Home/Components/News/News/12502/495
Previous Playground Update
The Arlington Recreation Department has provided the following update on the Robbins Farm Park playground:
Today we were able to have the elementary aged swings installed and also were able to figure out a way to install two tot bucket swings. We are unable to open them fully because we are low on the playground surfacing but DPW has ordered some and it is expected in next week. Once we are able to build up the safety surface under the swings we can open the swings back up.
Thank you and everyone who uses Robbins Playground for your patience as we worked through these issues.