(Note changes to our schedule due to the closing of the fields at the Park)
- CANCELLED: Due To Wet Conditions Spring Cleanup & Kite Day — Saturday, May 4th, 9am
- Bring your trowels, rakes, leaf rakes, shovels and pruning shears and meet your neighbors at the Park! And while we’re there, we’ll celebrate the crocus, daffodils and tulips planted at Robbins Farm Park last fall! At 1pm, bring your kites as well and hope for good wind at one of the area’s best kite-flying locations. If you come early and help in the cleanup, you’ll get a free kite.At 1 pm, bring your kites as well and hope for good wind at one of the area’s best kite-flying locations.
FoRFP Volunteer Dick Harmer, our neighborhood “Kite Man,” will bring his fantastic collection of colorful kites to share with the kids and will provide instruction.
- Rockin’ Robbins Concert — CANCELLED:
Saturday, June 22nd (Afternoon), (rain date: Saturday, June 23rdThe concert is FREE thanks to the generosity of the bands, which both feature some performers who live in the park neighborhood. This is a great event for all ages. We encourage people to bring a picnic dinner.
- Animation Festival — MOVED TO FLORENCE FIELD near Dallin School: Friday, June 21st (8 pm), SEE for latest info.
- Independence Day Celebration — CANCELLED DUE TO FIELD CLOSING: On the 4th of July, Arlington will again celebrate America’s birthday in style at Robbins Farm Park.There will be music, musical entertainment provided by the The Reminisants, and of course, the Boston Pops Orchestra and Fireworks on the giant screen (fireworks start at 10:30pm). The event is free and open to all.Food and refreshments will be available for sale at modest prices to help support the event.
- Harvard Alumni Jazz Band Concert — Thursday, July 18th, 6:30 pm – CONCERT IS ON FOR TONIGHT! —NOTE: ALTERNATE LOCATION FOR JAZZ CONCERT THIS YEAR— –At the top of Eastern Ave, just up the hill from Robbins Farm Park Join us on for a free jazz concert by the Alumni Jazz Band, a 17-piece jazz big band with members from Arlington and surrounding communities. Enjoy the music of Count Basie, Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, and many others! This ninth annual concert is FREE thanks to the generosity of the band, which includes neighborhood resident Allen Feinstein. This is a great event for all ages. We encourage people to bring your own picnic dinner. This will be our 11th Annual Jazz Concert!
- Shakespeare in the Park — CANCELLED: The Friends of Robbins Farm Park will be pleased to co-sponsor with the ACA another summer Shakespeare performance next year.
On August 24, you’ll not only be able to visit Robbins Farm Park, you’ll be able to HEAR it.

PROGRAM (Conductor, Orlando Cela)
- Scott, Fanfares
- Copland, An Outdoor Overture
- Handel, Selections from Royal Fireworks Music
- Robbins Farm Park, from “Arlington” by Erich Stem
- Town Day — Saturday, September 14th, 10am to 3pm Come by the FORFP booth and say hello!
Annual Field Day — Saturday, October 26th, 1pm to 5pmThis family-oriented event will include old-fashioned races (3-legged, egg-on-the spoon, sack race, etc.) and a nature scavenger hunt. Moon walks, face painting, and seasonal refreshments will be available for a nominal charge. .
Fall Cleanup & Bulb Planting — Saturday, November 9th, 9am to 12pm Join your friends and neighbors to get the park ready for winter (and spring)!
- Astronomy Nights with Jeff Alexander (Updated for 2019) — Explore the wonders of the deep sky! Use the summer constellations to learn to locate deep sky objects like star clusters, galaxies, and nebulas. Some of these objects can even be spotted with binoculars on a dark night, so bring a pair if you have them! Click here for details.
- August 31 (8:15pm): Saturn has now taken over Jupiter’s place of prominence in the Southern sky, ascending as the sky darkens. As the Earth moves further away from Jupiter, we see it moving more to the West, towards the setting Sun. The Moon has set with the Sun tonight leaving a dark sky, and a chance to spot a star cluster or two.
- Sept 7 (7:30pm): Just one week later, the sky that was moonless before is now lit by a beautiful Moon that is now half-full and high up at sundown. Light from the Sun illuminates the peaks around the craters on the Moon, helping us to see the moon not as a flat surface, but as the heavily cratered ground that it is.UPCOMING
- Oct 5 (6:45pm) Just added! : The first quarter Moon lights the Southern sky as as dusk settles in tonight. With the Moon half full, the areas on the edge between light and dark are lit from the side, giving a sense of the depth of the craters and the peaks of the rims. Saturn appears close beside the moon tonight, with Jupiter still the brightest point in the South-West sky
- Fido Fest Sponsored by A-Dog — MOVED TO SPY POND FIELD: August 3, 7pm 3rd annual Event sponsored by the Arlington Dog Owners Group and ACMi. Fido Fest is Greater Boston’s only video festival that celebrates lovable dogs and their loyal humans. All are welcome to submit homemade videos of your hard working, funny, and quirky dogs. On Saturday, August 3rd, join your friends and family to watch your blockbuster videos outside on the big screen while munching on popcorn and enjoying a night under the stars.
Pizza with Police at Robbins Farm Park —Wednesday, September 18th 6:00pm – 8:00 pm The Arlington Police Department will be hosting “Pizza with Police in the Park”, a free event for all to attend. There will be free pizza, refreshments and free children’s activities including face paint, balloon animals and more. Arlington Fire Department Fire Fighters will have a touch-a-truck Fire Truck there as well. We will honor the victims of 9/11 with a moment of silence. We invite you to join us.