Robbins Farm Playground Renovation Project Update
The Town of Arlington is pleased to announce that work will commence soon on the renovation of Robbins Farm Park. This will be the Town’s first universal designed playground, intended to be accessible to all abilities. The renovation project was awarded to JJ Phelan & Sons for just over $2.1 million dollars. JJ Phelan & Sons recently completed Phase I of the Reservoir Project and three school playground projects in Arlington (Peirce School, Bishop School, and Stratton School). The Robbins Farm Playground renovation project is being funded by both Community Preservation Act (CPA) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds .
The project will begin this fall with mobilization beginning the week of October 9th, followed by demolition of the existing equipment.
Please note that the playground and associated work site will be closed and fenced off beginning the week of October 9th. An exact construction schedule is being prepared by the contractor and all equipment is in the process of being ordered. Equipment lead times can vary anywhere from 12-20 weeks. It is anticipated that appropriate site preparation will occur this fall with the bulk of the work being done in the spring of 2024. There are many variables that will dictate the construction schedule, but the goal is for significant project completion prior to July 2024. The exact opening date will be continually updated throughout the construction process. View the final design.
The Friends of Robbins Farm Park will also be fundraising to assist with the purchase of inclusionary equipment for the playground. More information may be found at