Robbins History Project

Stephen Stiles astride the dog statue at the farm, circa 1933 (from Robbins Farm Park, A Local History, by Oakes Plimpton).

The Robbins History Project, funded by the Friends of Robbins Farm Park, consists of two parts at the park: the House and the Dog. Granite blocks will mark the location of the House of our community’s great benefactor, Farmer Nathan Robbins. The Dog will be a replica of his dog statue that was beloved by the children of Arlington, for whom he donated his farm to become our park.

View a complete History Project presentation, with history and detailed drawings (pdf).

The Friends of Robbins Farm Park is offering Tee Shirts as a premium gift for donations of $50 to the History Project. Visit our Join/Donate page for more information.


Tee-shirts are available as a thank-you gift for a $50 contribution toward funding the Robbins Farm History Project. Get more information.