Author: Tony Vogel

Parts of Robbins Farm Park Closed for Maintenance

Message from the Town of Arlington (posted June 5, 2019) The multipurpose field and baseball diamond will be closed until further notice. Grass on both fields will need more time to take root for better long-term sustainability. Post Date: 06/05/2019 9:11 AM Effective immediately, the 

Ready to Run

Ready to Run

Our Pup had his Bib on for Marathon Day!

CANCELLED: Spring Cleanup Day & Kite Day Sat May 4, 2019

CANCELLED: Spring Cleanup Day & Kite Day Sat May 4, 2019

CANCELLED: DUE TO WET CONDITIONS. We regret we must cancel the event because of the overly wet soil conditions. Spring Cleanup & Kite Day——-Saturday, May 4th, 9am Bring your trowels, rakes, leaf rakes, shovels and pruning shears and meet your neighbors at the Park! And 

April Fools! History Project Still Here.

April Fools! History Project Still Here.

  If you visited the FoRFP Facebook page on April 1st, you learned that our Dog Statue and Granite Blocks had been stolen and replaced with cheap cardboard versions. Were you fooled?